While I'm certainly thinking of my mother this Mother's Day weekend, I'm thinking of her mother, too.
My grandmother was born Grace Helen Williams in Brooklyn, New York in February 1906, and her family moved to Springfield, Massachusetts about ten years later. She married my grandfather, William Herrick, in 1927.
Actually, my grandmother and I did meet and as a child, I saw her fairly often. But she passed away in 1976, when I was just about to turn nine. We never knew each other as adults. Now, I’d like make her a cup of tea, sit with her in her beautiful sunroom full of plants, and ask about her life before she married.
A few years ago, I discovered her diary from 1923. It’s a little book from Forbes & Wallace, “Springfield’s greatest store” and includes running bits of helpful information on the bottom of each page. (“Contents of a Good Medicine Chest” is one category, instructing readers to have opium pills and bichloride of mercury tablets on hand.)
My grandmother turned 17 in February that year. At first, she writes just about every day, describing school, dances, masquerade parties, and visits with friends. A man named Gardner Blodgett is mentioned frequently. I think they were a couple. He was about 6 years older and had fought in World War I.
Neil, Helen, and Gardner, September 1923
Sunday, January 7 – Weather was passable. Laura came up and brought her ukulele and music for the afternoon. Went to Harvey Street church. Came home and Neil and Blodgett were here. B asked me to go to the dance Friday night with him. Sunday, January 28 – Weather rotten. Snowing all day. Did not go out! B and N came over. Ma told Neil’s fortune also B. N & I played cards. I won.
Her mother told fortunes? Did she do this often?
Saturday, February 17 – Pa left home.
Why? Was work slow in Springfield? Did he go to New York for more opportunities? How did this impact the family?
Tuesday, April 3 – Went to N.Y. and supper. Stayed at 327 Lafayette where YWCA sent us. Monday, April 9 – Moved from Springfield by Sullivan. Went to show with Grandpa & started 11 oc PM for Towners.
(Photo: Helen Williams in 1923. This is one of my favorite photos of her. I love her expression, her hat, and her haphazard coat.)
So Helen moved to New York? Manhattan? Somewhere else?
Tuesday, November 19 – Went to Brewster [New York] for job at Koolfit and got it. Pa also. Went to city & got money and packed. Monday, December 3 – Helped Mamma wash. Pa started to work Croton Falls [New York]. Received letter from Gard. Will not answer it.
Uh oh. What happened with Gardner?
Helen eventually returned to Springfield and lived there for almost her entire married life. Her parents and her sister Dot moved to New York permanently in the 1930s.
As for Gardner, he became a soldier again, serving in the Navy during World War II. He married, settled in Springfield, and worked as a city custodian for 20 years. He passed away in 1990.